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Balsamic Glazed Brussels Sprouts


Delicious, easy and quick  this crispy bacon brussel sprouts in a mustard, balsamic glaze is a staple side  dish at Thanksgiving dinner in my house, but because I love brussels sprout, and it’s so easy, simple and impressive I make it more often.

After crisping the bacon you should have about 1 tablespoon of bacon fat, coating the brussel sprouts in the fat adds a delicious smokey flavor.

Have enough liquid in the pan to cover the brussel sprouts, adding more if needed. The last 10 minutes of cooking the pan should be left uncovered, to extract the liquid and leave the sprouts covered in a beautiful syrupy  glaze. This recipe is make easy by how quickly it comes together and it uses few ingredients, cooks in one pan and is prefect for potluck dinners.

If am asked to bring a side dish this is one of my go to recipes This is the saute pan I like to use when braising meats or vegetables on the stove top.  .

To protect the surface of the non stick surface on this pan use wooden utensils not to scratch the surface.

Brussel sprouts are in the cabbage family, I find them to be a bit more bitter than cabbage which is balanced in this recipe by adding the brown sugar and vinegar.

You can adjust the the amount of sugar, according to your taste, or leave it out. The balsamic vinegar, sweetens the brussel sprouts adding a syrupy delicious glaze, eliminating  the need for sugar.

To add extra flavor let the Brussels sprouts simmer in the bacon drippings  before adding the liquids.














































































Ingredients serves four

1 Lbs. Brussels sprouts

4 slices diced bacon

1 tablespoon butter

1 cup chicken stock

1 cup balsamic vinegar

1 tablespoon garlic

2 tablespoons brown sugar

2 tablespoons Dijon mustard

1 Tablespoon each chopped Italian parsley, thyme, red pepper flacks and lemon zest

1 cup Parmesan cheese

Salt and pepper to taste


Melt the butter in a large saute pan

Add diced bacon cook until brown

Add Brussels sprouts mix to coat in bacon drippings

Add rest of ingredients except the herbs and Parmesan

Simmer covered 45 minutes or until the Brussels spouts are fork tender and the sauce is syrupy

Add herbs last 10 minutes and lemon zest sprinkle with parmesan …ENJOY!!!













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