Lemon Italian Sponge Cake The Italian name for this classic Lemon Italian sponge cake is Pan…
Banana Bread Pudding

Hi everyone,
Well…..It’s almost the end of October, although it’s Indian Summer in California am thinking warm, cozy, comforting food for the cooling temperatures.
Like most recipes you have fond memories of the craving don’t go away.
This banana bread pudding is one. In the restaurant years we had a lot of stale bread. I don’t like waste, I was always looking for ways to use the
day old bread. So i came up with as many different bread puddings as there days in the week, maybe more.
This banana one was the most popular, not only in the restaurant but at home too. It’s a family favorite and because it’s so easy and uses ingredients
I have on hand it’s one of my favorites, and another way to use those bananas, I swear sometimes I buy to watch them turn a darker shade of brown.
Good News…..this is one of those desserts that comes together quickly,is easy and oh so family pleasing.
Top it with the homemade caramel sauce and a scoop of vanilla ice cream and you have a restaurant style dessert, simplified for the home cook.
Speaking of the caramel sauce, it burns quickly so keep an eye on it, if it’s too thick add more water , if too thin less. the consistency should be
like maple syrup. When I make this I like to use these, oven to table
10 0z. Sweejar ramekins
They are prefect for puddings, creme brulea and custards, come in a variety of colors, and of course I love the oven to table.
I’ll keep you posted……Happy Day my dears!!!!!
If you try my recipes please leave me a comment or question. It’s my favorite part.
4 cups cubed stale french bread
3 bananas thinly sliced
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup butter melted
4 eggs
2 cups milk
1 tablespoon each vanilla and cinnamon
1 teaspoon each nutmeg and salt
Heat oven to 350
melt butter pour over bread
lightly toast bread
Mix rest of ingredients
Pour over bread
bake 45 minutes
Meanwhile make caramel sauce by mixing 1 cup sugar and 1/2 cup water, cook over low heat until
caramel turns a golden brown add 1/3 cup heavy cream and 1 teaspoon of vanilla cook just until heated.
Pour over pudding and ENJOY!!!!!