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Garden Fritatta


Garden Frittata

This Garden Fritatta is one of those recipes like minestrone soup, it’s never the same twice. The recipe takes advantage of what”s in the refrigerator the only must have ingredient is eggs, after  eggs than it’s pretty much what you have on hand.

That’s one of the best things about frittatas,  you can make them different depending on your life style and taste. If your worried about high cholesterol, egg whites work in this recipe

I cooked this the old fashion way on the stove top. You can start the frittata on the stove top and transfer it to a 350 degree oven for 20 minutes. Be sure the pan has heat proof handles , if not wrap tin foil around the pan handle.

What Is a Garden Fritatta

Frittata is an egg- based Italian dish similar to an omelette or crust less quiche. Growing up this Garden frittata was a staple in our house, it was what my mother made for us and any gathering where a food was required, and food is required at every Italian gathering. It was called  Frittata of the Day on the menu, and that’s just  what it meant, I did have my favorites though.

I have to admit am not a fan of runny yolks, I like my eggs  scrambled. fritatta’s are like scrambled eggs, enriched with added ingredients, like meat, cheese, or vegetables.

A frittata is is like an unfolded omelet, It is cooked slowly over over low heat, while an omelet is cooked quickly over higher heat.

One important thing the right size pan is important when your cooking a fritatta or an omelet. Here is  a link to a beautiful  8 inch saute pan prefect  for an omelet or for this Garden Fritatta recipe.

Whereas omelets are served hot straight from the stove, frittata’s are often times served at room temperature.  Making them  prefect to make ahead for bunches, gatherings, picnics or anytime you want quick, easy and delicious.

If you make this Garden Frittata please leave me a comment and don’t forget to tag me on Instagram hearing from you is my favorite part!!!


  • 8 eggs
  • 1 cup parmesan cheese
  • 2 Tablespoons butter
  • 1/2 cup each chopped red and green peppers, spinach, onions and halved cherry tomatoes
  • 1 Tablespoon chopped garlic
  • 2 Tablespoons each chopped Italian parsley, sage and thyme
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. In a 8 inch  unstick saute pan melt the butter
  2. Add the peppers, onion, tomatoes, spinach saute until tender and beginning to brown  about 10 minutes
  3. Add the garlic
  4. Beat the eggs until light
  5. Add the parmesan, herbs, salt and pepper to egg mixture
  6. Add egg mixture to medium heat pan cook covered 5 minutes lower heat and continuing cooking 10 minutes
  7. Turn the flame off while placing a plate over the saute pan invert on to plate slide the fritatta back into pan cook covered on low heat  10 to 15 minutes
  8.  Sprinkle  with additional  Italian parsley and Slice into triangles.
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