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Chia Seed Pudding


It’s both exciting and scaring starting something new, but a lot easier if you have a passion and  knowledge doesn’t hurt.

I know and love food. It’s the common thread the brings people together.I grew up in a family that eat together everyday and dinner was always and the same time, and you were expected to be there. It was a wonderful time forming lasting bonds.

In this hurried , busy times of instant almost anything, we grab a coffee through a drive through and we’re on our way.

These Chai pudding jars topped with banana avocado mash can be made the night before, topped with your favorite toppings and breakfast is ready!


4 cups milk of your choice,,,,shown with coconut milk

2 cups chai seeds

1 teaspoon each vanilla, powdered ginger and cinnamon

2 tablespoons honey or agave

For the mash

2 ripe bananas ripe or frozen  (freeze overripe fruit to use in smoothies or fruit mashes)

2 ripe avocado


Mix all ingredients for the chai pudding together, stirring occasionally to prevent lumping

mash the bananas and avocado with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice to prevent browning

Put pudding in 2 mason jars top with mash cover refrigerate over night top with your favorite toppings and ENJOY!!!!



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